Wealth and Value #3
Poor background rich men of today didn't become rich either righteously or diabolically just because they needed money and focused on it, you might ask me, what of armed robbers and prostitutes??? I believe they only work for money not for value, that's why their life is full of fear and regret, forget the mask they tend to use to cover it all up, they are not happy deep down inside.
So back to the previous paragraph, the wealth they have managed to make was because they found a missing link that needed to be filled, they made efforts no matter the cost to fill it, they succeeded in doing that and when they did, they only had to add monetary value to it and when people saw its importance, they went for it.
So do you want to get where they are today, you have to know how they all started. Be it good or bad, they game only needs to be played well. Do your part well and allow the rest to unfold...but I will advise, don't do stuffs that you will regret tomorrow.
Working hard is good but are you working for money or for value? Working for money will give you money, working for value will give you wealth. Which one do you want, money or wealth?
Add good value, attract the blessings of God, become and have no sorrow. Have a wonderful day!!!
Written by : Ugoh Charles
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