Being Grateful- the Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude is a state of being grateful, grateful to your creator, those around you etc. so I was nominated for the gratitude challenge by Amaka of Heart Rays, I accepted the challenge and am going do exactly what the challenge says which are write 5 things you are grateful for on any of your social media platform (your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anywhere).

5 things I am grateful for;
  • Myself: am grateful to God for making me, giving me the breath to live through each day, for making me discover purpose, making me special in my own way, it’s me like no other. Thank you father for making Mimi, me.
  • My parents:  without them coming together there won’t be me, they are my support,  they are advisers, my bank( providing the finance),  they showered me with love and am so grateful for having them around me. Thank you Mum and dad.
  • My friends ; those who have impacted my life in one way or the other am so grateful, and those friends who wronged me or hurt my feelings in the past am also grateful because you made me learn from my mistakes, Thank you.
  •   My wonderful blog readers; am grateful to you all, because if there’s nobody to read or comment on this blog, there won’t be Miimi’s diary. I love you all *muah*
  •  Finally I am grateful to God almighty for all his mercies, grace, provision, security, etc. am grateful to him for yesterday, today and tomorrow, and expecially for adding a year to me. I love you Lord Cause I’m nothing without you.

I and my little cousins are all grateful for the gift of life.

Here Are The Rules:
    • You have 72 hours to accept the challenge when you are nominated. 
    • Write or say 5 things you are grateful for on any social media platform. (just a day)
    • Display a picture of gratitude. A picture of simple that makes (or made) you smile in a day. It is not an opportunity to show off how rich you are. Let it be something that is simple (and inexpensive) yet a blessing. Catch my drift? OK. 
    • Nominate 5 other people in your circle. Ensure that you inform them immediately. 
my nominations;
Sassy mum of sassy mum blog 
Joshua Joseph of Daglitaz International
Lehxan of Lexhan's place
Fisayomi of Pheezy's conner
Miriam of  Be Inspired and Live

Post Comment


  1. Nice. God is good.

  2. Wow thanks for nominating me Mimi. Let all praises be unto God our maker. God bless you for this.

  3. Thank God. He deserves nothing but our gratitude for all he has done for us!!!!

  4. Am grateful for this I gotta say.... Avnt been so regular online but saw this today.. Will definitely do the needful.....'Hope am not too late for d challenge'

  5. We all should be grateful to God in every situation

    Glowyshoe blog

  6. I love thi... Nice one.

  7. we are worthless without God. Am grateful.

  8. I nominated you for an award, check my blog for details.

    Diary of a Naija Mom.

  9. For the gift of life because when there's life, there's hope and dreams can still come true.


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