Merry Christmas

 * singing * I wish you a merry Christmas, I wish you a merry Christmas From the bottom of my heart.
Mary born child Jesus Christ today, so Christmas is a celebration of Christ. Without him there won’t be Christmas, He is the reason for the season. As you celebrate today may your heart be filled with joy and peace.

Miimi's diary wishes for all wonderful readers is; may the season bring you love when you down, joy when you feel sad, peace for a troubled mind and hope when things seem empty. May the spirit and all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to golden your heart and fill your every desire. Merry Christmas!!!!!! Love you all. ** hugs and kisses ***

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  1. Merry xmas to you too dear

  2. Merry Christmas sweetie
    Love you too. #hugs#

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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