Overview of Breast Cancer

So this is an assignment given to me at work (Radiotherapy unit of University of Nigeria Teaching hospital Enugu). I was asked to write on an overview of breast cancer and during my study I found out that men can also have the disease. I decided to  summarize it and share with you but before I go into the topic of men and breast cancer, lets take a look on the overview of  breast cancer.

Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is a tumor that starts in the cells of the breast and spreads to surrounding tissues in the body thereby forming new tumors (tumors are formed from abnormal division of cells in he body).

                                Causes of Breast Cancer
The main cause of breast cancer is unknown but its known that certain risk factors causes the disease.  The risk factors are;

  • VAge: the risk is increases with age
  • v Genetic Factors: inherited changes in certain genes.
  • v Family history:  the risk is high among women whose blood relatives had the disease.
  • v Personal history of Breast Cancer: if a person had breast cancer in one of the breast in the past, has a greater chance of getting another breast cancer.
  • v Race: Africans or Africa Americans are more likely to get breast cancer than white women.
  • v Dense Breast tissue: women with dense breast (i.e more gland tissue and less fatty tissue) have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • v Certain non-cancerous breast problems: women who had certain non-cancerous changes may have increased risk of cancer.
  • v Menstrual periods : women who began their periods early(before age 12) or who went into menopause after age 55 have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer.
  • v Breast radiation early in life: women who had radiation treatment for another cancer at the chest as a child or young adult have a greater increased risk of breast cancer.
  • v Not having children or having them late in life: women who have no children or had them after age 30, have slightly risk of breast cancer.
  • v Drinking alcohol
  • v Obesity
  • vGender: breast cancer is common in women than men. This means men also have breast cancer because they have breast tissues as women  though smaller. It is very rare for men under age 35 to get breast cancer, but the risk of getting the disease increases with age. The risk factors of breast cancer in men include;
  •   Taking Estrogen: when the estrogen (female hormone) level is high. The estrogen can be increased by;

  •       Taking hormonal medicine
  • ü Being over weight
  • ü Being heavy user of alcohol
  • ü Having liver disease This all leads to decrease in the androgen (male hormone and increase in estrogen.
Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
  •  A lump/thickening in or near the breast or underarm that persist through the menstrual cycle.
  •  A mass of lump which may feel small as a pea.
  •  A change in size, shape or contour of the breast.
  •  A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple.
  •  A change in the look or feel of the skin on the breast or nipple.
  •  Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple.
 These changes can be noticed when performing the monthly breast self-examination; this helps the individual become familiar with normal changes in the breast. This is performed same time each month i.e. 3 to 5 days after menstrual period ends.

    How Breast Cancer is Diagnosed
  •   Breast examination i.e. Self-examination or doctors examination
  •   Digital mammography: an x-ray test of the breast.
  •   Ultrasonography: using sound waves o detect the character of a breast lump, to know if it’s a fluid (non-cancerous) or solid (cancerous).

           How Breast Cancer is treated
        When the cancer is detected the doctor develops a treatment plan to eradicate the breast cancer and prevent it from returning or spreading to other location. The treatments are;
    •   Local treatment: this involves the use of surgery or radiation treatment to destroy the cancerous tumor.
    •    Systemic treatment: this involves the use of chemotherapy or hormone therapy (reduce the risk of cancer coming back after surgery).    
       Continuation of these would be posted soon, would elaborate more on men and breast cancer.

    Post Comment


    1. Really interesting and its great of you to share. Greetings!

    2. This is a very vital one. Thanks for sharing..


    3. Educative and nice

    4. I really wanna know the cause of it cos in two different occassions, I have removed lumps but I still thank God still for early detection



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