
Find time and Refill

A funny question has bothered me for a while. It actually means nothing but I got curious about it. So, I asked my mom:"Does a tanker that carry petrol need to buy petrol for itself?" A "Yes" or "No" would have satisfied my curiosity. But, I got more! She couldn't have given me a more striking answer. She asked: "Is it not a car?". "It does everything a car does?" she continued.

Wow! I smiled as I thought. "So these guys carry a tank of fuel and yet would need to line-up in a filling station?" i know that it may be difficult to find such tankers queuing up in petrol stations - I mean they work for those who supply petrol. But it's interesting to note that the petrol attached cannot replace the petrol within. I feel this is very instructive to Christians who are called to leadership or ministers. It's easy to confuse the petrol on the tank with the petrol within.

Can I ask you- how often do you check your petrol gauge? How often do ask for an internal refilling rather than a word for others? Do signs and wonders still function while internally you are running dry? Are men congratulating you for the time and service you give to God's work, yet heaven complains that you hardly have time for your God?

Remember these 2 things:
1. The petrol outside can only be delivered if there is enough petrol within. If there's no petrol within, you'd stop half way. He that has granted you this noble task of delivering His petrol desires to freely give to you all the petrol you need for the vehicle.

2. You are first a vehicle before a tanker. Don't be fooled! You can run dry! You are not a superman!! You are human  - In need of God's help.
Anointing cannot replace God; Gifts cannot replace God; Nothing can! Therefore, take a retreat, cut down on activities! Please, find time and refill.

 N.B Got this article from a WhatsApp group.


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