

What would you do if given a million dollar that would change lives for thebetter? If you are found wanting and confused on what you need such money for, then you are yet to discover your purpose in life. The problem we have in some places is just that money has gone into the wrong hands because the right hands aren’t ready for it.

MY VISION: A blind woman (Helen Keller) once said,
“Those that are actually blind aren’t those that can’t see but those that can see but have no vision.” After studying the word vision, I decided to expand the word vertically as thus,
V- Visual
 I- Inspiration
S- Sending an
 I- Ideal (imaginary,excellent, fantastic) and
 O- Optimistic
 N- Notion (view,concept)
Vision is staring up the steps, while vision pursuit is climbing or stepping up the steps. Vision Pursuit is the ability to see beyond the present, act above the immediate and make the INVISIBLE VISIBLE.  Dissatisfaction & Discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision. Don’t underestimate the power of a vision, Mc Donald’s founder Ray Kroc, pictured his empire long before it existed and he saw how to get there. He invented the company motto- ‘Quality service, cleanliness and value’ and he kept repeating it to his employees for the rest of his life.
– Kenneth Labich There is a big difference between an AMBITION and a VISION. The former is self-generated assignment, while the latter is God’s given assignment. "Vision without execution is hallucination." –Thomas Edison. The manual of life says, “Where there is no vision the people perish”- Proverbs 29: 18

CREATE A VISION: the reason major goals are not achieved is that we spend more time doing second things first- Robert J. Mckain, Management consultant. If you are alive today, then this is for you. Ask yourself this question… WHY AM I STILL LIVING? Definitely, you are alive for a purpose. Don’t occupy the world for nothing, if you are not ready to live a purposeful life, give way for those who are ready. 

MY PURPOSE: When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable. For God’s purpose to be fulfilled in your life, you have to play your own part because He has done His
already. When a child is born, the parent do all they can to keep the child alive but… There’s a but because they can’t breathe for the child. As small and ignorant as the baby is, he/she has a part to play. Therefore you can’t neglect your part if you are ready for a fulfilled life. You have no excuse whatsoever to live a dimensionless life.

Do you know that current can be passed from one wire to another without joining them together? In the high tension region, that’s exactly what happens because the wires are parallel to each other therefore current is being transferred. In the same vein, same artery and same arterus. when your plans are laid side by side with God’s purpose for you, you begin to operate in God’s uncommon creative power.

Let me expand purpose vertically for us to get a clearer view of what I’m talking about;
 P- Passion (identify your passion. If you could do anything you wanted today and had all the qualifications you needed, what would you choose to do? That’s your passion, do something with it, CHASE IT.)
 U- Utility (it must bring satisfaction to self & others)
R- Resolution (a fixed intention)
 P- Perspicacious (of clear understanding, clearly expressed)
O- Obvious (easily noticed; what you know will make you to be known)
 S- Steadfastness (firm despite opposition, pertinacity)
 E- Effectual (able to produce desired result) Purpose can never be over emphasized; my BOSS our perfect example lived a purposeful life when He was made flesh.1John 3: 8

Once you know the purpose for doing whatever you do, you will do what you do better, for the right reasons, and then you’ll get the right results. If you have nothing worth dying for, then you have nothing worth living for. In our world today, a septuagenarian who is actively pursuing his vision (living a purposeful life) looks younger and healthier than a man in is 60’s who just got retired and sits at home all day, his brain becomes inactive and he begins to die gradually. Let God’s purpose be your purpose. Romans 8: 28

To be continued...........
Written by JOShua JOSeph


  1. I love this post. It took my mind back to one of our youth Sundays when I preached on the topis " Fulfilling God's purpose in life" That topic is inexhaustible.

    We must be able to discover our purpose in life and the earlier the better

    1. Wow! chinco bee you can say that again, very inexhaustible.

      wonderful post! i learnt a lot.


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